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第一章  总 则

Chapter 1 General Provision

第一条  为规范对来华留学生的管理保证和提高来华留学生的培养质量,依据《普通高等学校学生管理规定中华人民共和国教育部令第41号)《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(中华人民共和国教育部、中华人民共和国外交部、中华人民共和国公安部令第 42 号),《川北医学院学生管理规定》(川北医发〔201763号),《川北医学院来华留学生教育管理办法》(川北医发〔202186号)等文件精神结合我校实际情况,制定本规定。

Article 1 These regulations are made to standardized the management of international students, to ensure and improve the cultivation quality of international students in accordance with Common University Student Management Regulations (Order no. 41 of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China), Management for University Recruiting and Training of International Students (Order no. 42 of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, The Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China), Regulations for College Students of North Sichuan Medical College (NSMC 2017-63) and Measures for Education Management of International Students of North Sichuan Medical College (NSMC 2021-86) and other relevant documents and by combining with the actual situation of this college. 

第二条  本规定所称来华留学生(以下称留学生),是指根据《中华人民共和国国籍法》不具有中国国籍且在川北医学院(以下称学校)接受普通高等学历教育和非学历教育外国学生

Article 2 The international students as mentioned in this regulations refers to the students who do not have Chinese nationality in accordance the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China and receives education at the North Sichuan Medical College (hereinafter referred to as college). 


Article 3 When implementing the regulations, the management should respect and protect the legitimate rights of the international students, educate and guide international students to undertake the duty and responsibility, encourage and support the international students practice self-management, self-service, self-education and self-supervision.

第二章  学生的权利与义务

Chapter 2 Rights and Obligations of International Students

第四条  学生在校期间依法享有下列权利:

Article 4 The international students enjoy the following rights according to the laws:


(一) Participate in the activities arranged by the school education and teaching plan, and use the educational and teaching resources provided by the school;


(二)Participate in social practice, volunteer service, part-time work program, recreational sports and innovation of science and technology, cultural and other activities within the prescribed limit;


(三)Apply for scholarships for international international students;


Obtain scientific and fair evaluation in moral education, academic achievement, and obtain the corresponding academic certificate and degree certificate after completion of school education and teaching plan;


 If there are objections to the schools treatment or punishment, international students have the right to appeal to the school and administrative departments of education. If suffering violations of the right to education, personal rights, property rights and other lawful rights and interests from the school or staff, international students have to right to complain or litigate according to the laws;


Other rights stipulated by laws, regulations and school statutes.


Article 5 The international students perform the following duties according to the laws:


Abide by the constitution, laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China;


(二)Abide by the school rules and regulations;


(三)Adhere to academic ethics, complete the required academic study;


Pay tuition fees, insurance fees and related fees in accordance with the regulations;


Abide by international students' behavior norms, respect teachers, develop good moral and behavioral habits;


Respect the people's religion, culture, traditions and customs in China as well as those from countries and regions other than those from their homeland.


Regularly check the validity of passport and residence permit, and apply for a new passport and residence permit in advance; If the items specified in the residence permit are changed, the change procedure shall be handled according to law within 10 days.


Leave college and the country within the prescribed time after graduation, completion, dropout, suspension or expulsion.


Other obligations stipulated by the laws, regulations of the People's Republic of China and articles of school statutes.

第三章 学籍管理

Chapter 3 Study Management

第一节 申请与入学

Section 1 Application and Admission


Article 6 Students who have applied for a degree education in NSMC shall conform to the corresponding admission requirements and qualifications of the People's Republic of China and North Sichuan Medical College, having good health, no criminal record, compliance with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and rules and regulations of NSMC, respecting the people's religion, culture, traditions and customs in China as well as those from countries and regions other than their homeland.

第七条 凡被我校正式录取的新生,须持 “学校录取通知书”、“外国人体格检查记录”、护照、签证、相应学历证书(原件及复印件)等相关文件在规定时间到我校国际教育交流学院报到。因故不能按期报到者,应事先持有关证明向学校申请推迟入学,推迟时间一般不得超过两周;未经同意,逾期两周不报到者,取消其入学资格。

Article 7 Freshmen officially admitted to our college should report for registration at School of International Education and Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as SIEC) within the prescribed time, taking with them the necessary documents: "Admission Notice", "Physical Examination Record", passport, visa and the corresponding qualification certificates (original and photocopy) and other relevant documents. For those who fail to report on time, they should apply to NSMC for delaying in advance, and the delay shall not exceed two weeks. If the student fails to report for two weeks without approval, the admission shall be canceled.

第二节 注册与请假

Section 2 Registration and Asking for Leave

第八条 新生接到录取通知书,准备入境前,按规定自行购买在华留学保险,否则不予报到、注册。新生报到注册前,须到南充市公安局出入境支队或川北医学院指定医疗单位进行体检,费用自理。体检合格者,完清相关手续,予以注册,体检不符合入学健康标准规定者,不予注册。

Article 8 Freshmen who have received the admission notice and are ready to enter China must purchase study in China insurance by themselves, otherwise they will not be registered. Before registration, the freshmen must go to the medical department designated by the exit/entry administrations of public security organs in Nanchong City or NSMC for medical examination, and the expenses will be paid by students themselves. If qualified, after completing the relevant procedures, they will be registered. If not qualified, they will not be registered and have to go back to their own country.

第九条 每学期开学一个月内,学生须到计财处交纳学费、住宿费在华留学保险(未按学校规定自行购买保险,应予退学或不予注册)及其它相关费用,并凭计财处的缴费单到国际教育交流学院注册,以取得学籍。未经注册,不具有学籍,不得参加学校的各项教学活动。因故不能如期到校注册,须提供必要的证明材料,事先履行请假手续(在特殊情况下可以通过传真、电子邮件或电话等方式请假且得到批准),否则作旷课处理。未经批准超过规定期限未交清相关费用者,按退学处理。

Article 9 Within the first month of each semester, students need to pay tuition, accommodation fee, Study in China insurance (if you do not purchase insurance according to the regulations of the college, you should drop out or not register) and other relevant expenses at the Department of Finance. Then they register at SIEC with the receipt from the Department of Finance to get the official student identity at NSMC. Without registration, they do not have the official student identity, shall not participate in the teaching activities. If they can not come to college in time, they should ask for leave in advance (may in special circumstances by fax, email or phone and get approved). They should provide necessary evidence when they come to college. Those who fail to ask for leave will be considered as truant. Those who fail to pay the relevant fees within the prescribed time limit shall be subject to dropping out.

第十条 中途退学的学生,在开学后一个月内提出退学申请,可退还其当学期所交纳学费的50%;在一个月以后提出退学申请者,不退所交纳的学费。

Article 10 Students who drop out of school can apply for a withdrawal of 50% tuition fee within one month of each semester; after one month, no refunding of the tuition fee.

第三节 课程考核与成绩记载

Section 3 Courses Examination and Records

第十一条 学生应当参加学校教育教学计划规定的课程和各种教育教学环节(以下统称课程)的考核,考核成绩记入成绩册,并归入学籍档案。

Article 11 Students should participate in the assessment of all courses stipulated in the school education and teaching plan and all kinds of educational and teaching procedures (hereinafter referred to as courses), and the examination results will be recorded in the academic transcript and kept in the NSMC archives.

第十二条 课程考核分为考试和考查两种。本科学生的考核和成绩评定方式,以及考核不合格的课程是否补考或者重修,按照《川北医学院来华留学生学籍管理实施细则》修订执行。研究生的考核和成绩评定方式由教研室提出,院系初审,研究生管理部门审定,考核不合格的课程必须重修或补考。

Article 12 Curriculum assessment is divided into two kinds: examination and quiz.The method of undergraduate students' assessment and score assessment, as well as whether to make up or restudy the failed courses, shall be implemented in accordance with "Rules of Study Management for International Students of North Sichuan Medical College"(Revised Version).The examination and evaluation method of postgraduate students shall be put forward by the teaching and research department, which shall be reviewed by the department and approved by the postgraduate management department. The failed courses have to attend the restudy or make-up examination.

第十三条 学生品德的考核、鉴定,采取个人小结形式进行。

Article 13 The examination and appraisal of students' moral character shall be carried out in the form of personal summary.

第十四条 学校真实、完整地记载、出具学生学业成绩,对通过补考、重修获得的成绩,予以如实标注。

Article 14 SIEC shall truthfully and completely record and issue the academic results of the students, and mark the results obtained through make-up examination and restudy examination.


Students who terminate their study because of dropping out or being expelled from school shall have their marks and credits of the courses they have completed at school truthfully recorded. The record will be kept for three years, It should be relaxed for outstanding students who have obtained master's degree or doctor's degree in other majors. If the students meet the conditions for admission and re-enter the school, the valid credits they have obtained may be recognized by the school.

第四节 延期与转学

Section 4 Extension of Duration and Transfer of School

第十五条 学生因个人原因需要休学或学业警示被安排在下一年级学习,需向国际教育交流学院提出书面延期毕业申请延期毕业不能超出最长学习年限范围

Article 15 Students who need to suspend because of personal reasons or get academic warnings and are arranged in the next grade, are required to write an application to SIEC for an extension of duration, the postponement of graduation cannot exceed the maximum number of years of study.

第十六条 学生一般应当在被录取学校完成学业。因患病或者有特殊困难、特别需要,无法继续在本校学习或者不适应本校学习要求的,可以申请转学。有下列情形之一,不得转学:

Article 16 Students should usually complete their studies at the enrolled school. If unable to continue to study in this school or meet the requirements of the school due to illness or special difficulties or special needs, they may apply for a transfer. No transfer shall be allowed under any of the following circumstances:


Less than one semester after admission or one year before graduation;


Should be dropped out of school;


Other unjustified reasons.


For students need to transfer because of the change of school training condition and other reasons other than the studentsproblem, the school issues a certificate and help transfer to school of the same level.

第十七条 学生转学由学生本人提出申请,说明理由,经所在学校和拟转入学校同意,由转入学校负责审核转学条件及相关证明,认为符合本校培养要求且学校有培养能力的,经学校校长办公会研究决定,可以转

Article 17 Students apply and explain the reason for transfer. The original school and the school agrees to take the students should reach an agreement. The school agrees to take the students is responsible for the audit of the transfer conditions and relevant evidence, the ability to meet the schools requirements. With the approval of the presidentsmeeting of the school, the transfer is completed.

第十八条 留学生延期、转学的具体处理,按《川北医学院留学生延期、转学管理规定》执行

Article 18 The school shall formulate Regulations for the Extension of Duration and Transfer of International Students in North Sichuan Medical College in accordance with relevant state regulations, and carry out the work in accordance with the regulations.

第五节 休学与复学

Section 5 Suspension and Resumption of Study

第十九条 学生可以分阶段完成学业,除另有规定外,应当在学校规定的最长学习年限(含休学和保留学籍)内完成学业。

Article 19 Students may complete their studies in stages and, unless otherwise specified, shall complete their studies within the longest school year (including suspension of schooling and retention of student status).


If a student applies for suspension of school or the school considers that he/she ought to suspend his/her schooling, he/she may suspend his/her schooling after having been approved by SIEC

第二十条 学校实行灵活的学习制度。最长学习年限按照《川北医学院来华留学生学籍管理实施细则》修订执行。

Article 20 The school has a flexible learning system. The maximum number of years of study shall be implemented in accordance with the "Rules of Study Management for International Students of North Sichuan Medical College"(Revised Version).

第二十一条 休学或保留学籍的学生学校发给相应证明。学生应当办理手续离校。学生休学期间,学校为其保留学籍,但不享受在校学习学生待遇。留学生往返路费和休学期间所发生的一切费用自理,安全责任自负。

Article 21 Students who suspend school or retain their status shall be given corresponding certificates by the school. Students should go through the formalities and leave school. During the period of suspension, the school retains their student status, but they do not enjoy the rights of students in school. Students must bear their travel expenses and all expenses incurred during the period of suspension, and they should take sole responsibility for their safety.

第二十二条 学生休学或保留学籍期满前应当在相应证明上规定的期限内提出复学申请,经学校复查合格,方可复学。

Article 22 Students should apply for resumption of study before the deadline prescribed in the corresponding certificates. After verification and approval of the school, students can resume their study at school.

第六节 学业警示与退学

Section 6 Academic Warning and Dropout

第二十三条 学校实行学业警示制度。学生连续两学期必修课程经补考后未取得学分的总数累计达到12学分或各学期累计达到24学分者,给予退学警示一次,学生编入原专业下一年级学习。

Article 23 The school implements academic warning system. After two consecutive semesters of compulsory courses, the total number of credit points students failed to obtain reached 12 points, or 24 credit points in all semesters after make-up examination, the students are given a warning of dropping out of school, and they are arranged in the next batch of the same major.


According to "Rules of Study Management for International Students of North Sichuan Medical College"(Revised Version), the school may withdraw students who meet the conditions for withdrawal.


Students who drop out of school for the above reasons shall be determined by the school presidents meeting and shall inform the students in proper ways.


Students who apply for withdrawal from school out of their own shall be subject to the withdrawal formalities after the school presidents meeting has examined and approved them.

第二十四条 退学学生,应当在学校退学决定生效之日起两周内办理完退学手续离校。

Article 24 Students who drop out of school shall leave school within two weeks from the date of the drop out notice.

第七节 毕业与结业

Section 7 Graduation and Completion

第二十五条 学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完教育教学计划规定的全部内容,成绩合格,达到学校毕业要求的,学校准予毕业,并在学生离校前发给毕业证书。

Article 25 Students who have completed and passed all the subjects defined by the education and teaching plan, met all the requirements of graduation are allowed to graduate. The school will issue Graduation Diploma to them before they leave school.


If qualified for a degree, the school shall issue a degree certificate to the students.

第二十六条 学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完教育教学计划规定的全部内容,但未达到学校毕业要求的,学校准予结业,发给结业证书。

Article 26 Students who have completed all the subjects defined by the education and teaching plan, but failed to meet all the requirements of graduation not are allowed to graduate. They are allowed to complete their study at the school. The school will issue them a Certificate of Completion.


"Rules of Study Management for International Students of North Sichuan Medical College"(Revised Version) defines whether undergraduate students can take the makeup examination, restudy examination, graduation thesis (design), thesis defense or not after one year of completion. After one year of completion, the postgraduate students can take the makeup examination, restudy examination, graduation thesis and thesis defense. After passing all the procedures, the school can issue graduation diplomas and degree certificates. The date of graduation diplomas and degree certificates will be the date of issue.


For dropouts, the school issues certificates of completion.

第八节 学业证书管理

Section 8 Management of Academic Certificates

第二十七条 学校严格按照招生时确定的办学类型和学习形式以及学生招生录取时填报的个人信息,填写、颁发学历证书、学位证书及其他学业证书。

Article 27 The school shall strictly fill out the academic certificate, degree certificate and other academic certificates in accordance with the type of schooling and the form of study determined at the time of admission and the personal information provided by the students during their enrollment.


When a student changes his or her personal name and date of birth in a school certificate, he or she shall have reasonable and sufficient reasons and provide corresponding documents with legal effect. The information can be changed after school review.

第二十八条 学校执行高等教育学籍学历电子注册管理制度,按相关规定及时完成学生学籍学历电子注册。

Article 28 School shall complete timely the electronic registration of students in accordance with the relevant provisions of higher education.

第二十九条 对违反国家招生规定取得入学资格或者学籍的,学校取消其学籍,不发给学历证书、学位证书;已发的学历证书、学位证书,学校依法予以撤销。对以作弊、剽窃、抄袭等学术不端行为或者其他不正当手段获得学历证书、学位证书的,学校依法予以撤销。

Article 29 For those who have obtained entrance qualifications or school status in violation of the provisions of the state or school enrollment regulations, the school shall cancel their student status, and shall not issue academic certificates or degree certificates. The academic diplomas and degree certificates issued to them shall be revoked by the school. The academic diplomas or degree certificates they got by cheating, plagiarism or copying, or other improper means shall be revoked by the school in accordance with the law.


If the revoked academic diplomas or degree certificates have been registered, the school shall cancel them and report them to the administrative department for education for invalidation.

第三十条 学历证书和学位证书遗失或者损坏,经本人申请,学校核实后出具相应的证明书。证明书与原证书具有同等效力。

Article 30 If the academic diploma or degree certificate is lost or damaged, a corresponding certificate shall be issued by SIEC with the application of the student. This certificate has the same effect as the original certificate.

第四章  校园秩序与课外活动

Chapter 4 Campus Order and Extracurricular Activities

三十一  学校依照中国有关法律、法规和学校的规章制度对留学生进行教育管理。留学生应当遵守中国法律和校纪校规,完成学习任务。

Article 31 International students shall be educated and managed according to Chinas relevant laws and regulations and colleges rules and regulations. International students shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations, observe the colleges rules and regulations, and complete the universitys learning tasks.

三十二  学校、学生共同维护校园正常秩序,保障学校环境安全、稳定,保障学生的正常学习和生活。

Article 32 College and international students jointly safeguard the normal order of the campus, ensure the safety and stability of the school environment, and ensure the normal learning and life of international students.

第三十九条  学校依照中国有关法律、法规和学校的规章制度对学生进行教育管理学生应当遵守中国法律和校纪校规,完成学习任务。

Article 39 International students shall be educated and manged according to Chinas relevant laws and regulations and the colleges rules and regulations. international Students shall abide by the Chinese laws and regulations, observe the colleges rules and regulations, and complete the colleges learning task.

三十三  学生应当自觉遵守公民道德规范,自觉遵守学校管理制度、创造和维护文明、整洁、有没、安全的学习和生活环境,树立安全风险防范和自我保护意识,保障自身合法权益。

Article 33 International students should consciously abide by the moral norms, the college management system, create and maintain a civilized, clean, beautiful and safe learning and living environment, establish the safety risk prevention and promote self-protection awareness, protect their legitimate rights and interests.

三十四  学校鼓励学生参加有益于身心健康的文体活动,为其参加文体活动提供条件。学生进行课外活动不得影响学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序。

Article 34 The college encourages international students to participate in recreational and sports activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health, and provides conditions for their participation. International students' extracurricular activities should not affect the normal education and teaching order and life order of the college.

三十五  经学校批准,学生可以在学校内成立联谊团体,在中国法律规定的范围内活动,并接受学校相关部门的指导和管理。

Article 35 With the approval of the college, international students may establish fellowship groups on campus and carry out activities within the scope prescribed by Chinese laws and regulations and accept guidance and management from relevant departments of the college.

三十六  学校坚持教育与宗教相分离原则。学校尊重学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供宗教活动场所。学生在学校内不得进行传教、宗教聚会等任何宗教活动,不得佩戴宗教标志。

Article 36 College adhere to the principle of separation between education and religion. College respects the national customs and religious beliefs of international students, but do not provide places for religious activities. International students shall not carry out any religious activities including missionary work or religious gatherings, or wear religious symbols.

三十七  学生不得参与非法传销和进行邪教、封建迷信活动;不得从事或参与有损大学生形象、有悖社会公序良俗的活动。


Article 37 International students shall not participate in illegal pyramid selling and conduct cults or feudal superstitious activities; shall not engage in or participate in any activities that undermine the image of college international students and contradict the public order and good customs of society.

Any violations of laws and regulations or serious mental illness that may cause harm to other international students and staff in the college are subject to necessary measures by the relevant departments in accordance with the "Mental Health Law of the People's Republic of China", “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments”.

三十八  生在校期间可以根据中有关法律规定及学校有关管理规定参加勤工助学活动,履行勤工助学活动的有关协议。

Article 38 International students may participate in work-study activities in their school periods in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of China and relevant administrative regulations of the college, and fulfill the requirements of the work-study activities agreement.

三十九  学生应当遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,不得登陆非法网站和传播非法文字、音频、视频材料等,不得编造或传播虚假、有害信息;不得攻击、侵入他人计算机和移动通讯网络。

Article 39 International students should abide by the computer network management laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. Do not log in illegal websites and spread illegal text, audio and video materials, do not fabricate or spread false and harmful information; do not attack, invade other computer and mobile communication network systems.

第四十条  学生必须遵守留学生公寓的相关管理制度。鼓励和支持学生通过制定公约,实施自我管理。

Article 40 International students should abide by the relevant management system of international students' apartment of the college. Encourage and support international students to implement self-management through the formulation of the apartment convention.

第五章  奖励处分与申诉

Chapter 5 Reward, Punishment and Appeal

第四十  学校对在德、智、体、美等方面全面发展或在学业成绩、科技创造、体育竞赛、文艺活动、志愿服务及社会实践等方面表现突出的学生集体或个人进行表彰和奖励。对学生的表彰和奖励采取授予优秀荣誉称号、颁发奖学金等多种形式,给予相应的精神鼓励或物质奖励。

Article 41 Collective or individual reward are given to those who have outstanding performance in the moral, academic achievement, technological creation, sports competitions, cultural activities, volunteer service and other aspects of social practice. The awards combine spiritual encouragement or material reward, taking the form of excellent titles, scholarships and other forms.


The concrete treatment of international students' reward should be carried out according to the Award Methods for International Students of North Sichuan Medical College and Regulations on the Management of Scholarship Evaluation for the International Students in North Sichuan Medical College.

四十二  对有违反法律法规、本规定以及学校纪律行为的学生,学校给予批评教育,并可视情节轻重,给予如下纪律处分:

Article 42 For international students who violate the laws and regulations, the provisions and the school discipline, the school gives criticism and punishment according to the seriousness of the case. Disciplinary measures are as follows:






(I) Warning;

(2) Serious warning;

(3) Demerit;

(4) Probation;

(5) Expulsion.


The concrete treatment of international students' violation of laws and regulations should be carried out according to the Code of Punishment for Disciplinary Offence for International Students at North Sichuan Medical College.

四十三  学校成立学生申诉处理委员会,负责受理学生对处理或处分决定有异议提起的申诉。学生对学校的处理或处分决定有异议的,可以在接到学校处理或处分决定书之日起10日内,向留学生申诉处理委员会提出书面申诉。

Article 43 The school shall set up an International Student Appeal Processing Committee (hereinafter referred to as Committee), which accepts and deals with the complaints from international students who have objection to the disciplinary decisions. If international students objection to the decision of the college, they may appeal to the Committee within 10 days from the date of receiving the college's decision.


The concrete treatment of international students' appeal should be carried out according to the Regulations of Appeal for International Students in North Sichuan Medical College.


Chapter 6 Supplementary Articles

四十四  本规定自公布之起施行。原《川北医学院留学生管理规定》同时废止。原学校其他有关文件规定与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。

Article 44 These Regulations shall come into force as of the date of issue. The original North Sichuan Medical College Student Management Regulations is abolished at the same time. If the original provisions of other relevant documents in the college are inconsistent with these provisions, these provisions shall prevail. If this English translation is not accurate or inconsistent with the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.